
Oct 1, 2011

Joy Pockets #5, Plus the Latest

I have no real explanation for the fact that I haven't shown up in this space for the past couple of days. It's mini breaks like this one that make me thankful that I'm not getting paid for this gig. If there are other things I'd rather do, I can do those instead and that will be that. Mostly I have just been making futile attempts at getting my google reader unread post count down to a number below 100, and enjoying all of the inspiring, exciting, and sweet things you all have to say along the way. Anyway, I'm here! There has been so much going on with Annabelle that I can't wait until next Wednesday to record it, so this post will combine my Joy Pockets from the week with What's New. You can read one, both, or neither. It's all up to you, of course, as I'm pretty sure you're not getting paid to be here either.

Joy Pockets
Mon of Holistic Mama and Bohemian Twilight is on a pretty grand adventure at the moment, so I don't think linking up with her for Joy Pockets is an option, but I'm posting mine anyway, because it makes me happy.

Celebrating World Milksharing Week with some of my favorite bloggers. 

Watching the girl go from conquest to conquest, with plenty of smiles and joy along the way.

The clearing of just enough jungle to give us access to a pond for daily toddler rock throwing and excitement.

Spending a few hours with a friend and enjoying delicious food, wine, and company - sans the girl. I suppose that's called balance. 

Securing a second vehicle, which more importantly means the freedom to leave the house any day of the week. It's amazing what a difference that makes!

Books. Many, many books.

Holding space, Google+ hangouts, and the crazy supportive NPN community.

The Latest

chatting with the ladies at the table beside us
Parenting is filled with all sorts of tiny revelations about life and our children. They change in the blink of an eye, and catching up can take awhile. On the weekend, when the daddy had to work all night, I decided to sneak out of the house with the babe as soon as she awoke, so as to keep the house quiet for the sleeping daddy. That left us with the issue of breakfast. I took Annabelle to my favorite coffee shop, where she sat in the chair at the little bistro table instead of in a high chair, and charmed passersby while eating a muffin. Suddenly it occurred to me that she is becoming much more like a companion than an accessory. Not that I ever view any child as a simple accessory, but taking babies out often just means settling them in to a carrier and allowing them to take it all in. Taking Annabelle out now involves serious exploration, a whole lot of pointing, "oh wow"ing, naming, socializing, and just plain being in one another's company. There aren't many people I enjoy spending time with more.

not the birthday party slide, but still fun
Another thing I have noticed only in the past week is how very animated and boisterous Annabelle is. I didn't realize how unusual her personality and temperament were. We celebrated the birthdays of some friends last weekend and the party involved a slide, which Annabelle wanted to use over and over again. Her eyes would light up when she arrived at the top, then widen as she slid down shouting, "WOW" and giggling. At the bottom, she would grin, shake and yell, "SLIDE!" before going again. Many other children enjoyed the slide, but none were quite as open in their love as was our Annabelle. Everyone's delight in her expressiveness made me realize what a rare gem she is.

On a more straightforward developmental note, the two word phrase has most definitely emerged. Annabelle loves to watch the neighborhood kids play in the street each evening. She used to be content to watch from a distance, but her enjoyment of these children has merged with her new hugging obsession and she now insists on walking over to give them all hugs: "Hug boy. Hug boy!" Then there was the evening when she decided she had absolutely no interest in the bathtime part of her evening routine. I tried to walk her back at the appointed time, but she responded with a very clear, "No bath. No way bath!" Then of course there's the daily request to, "Move tower" over to the kitchen sink for a very long, drawn out session of hand washing.

I don't know if it was the reading of sleep books, which I'll be writing about in the near future, or simply time and more attention to our routine, but our sleep situation no longer makes me want to cry. It is by no means perfect, and I dare not say which aspects are working well, since they're sure to stop working the moment I speak them aloud. My own feelings on the subject aside, Annabelle is sleeping as much as all of the charts in my books say she ought to be, and I'm feeling a bit more human, so I call the sleep improvement project a success.

As for me, my mind has been buzzing and there is much that I want to write about. I have been so focused on the little's sleep and on organizing things in our home a bit more that I haven't given myself the time work on my own projects, but I hope next week will be different because I am dying to write. On the list for this weekend is the arrangement of a new work space for me, and I'm crossing my fingers that it will be just what I need to refocus my work in this space and others.

I'm wishing you all exactly what you need out of the weekend, too! I would love to hear what brought you joy this week, and/or what the latest is with your families. It really does make my day when you say hello and share with me!


  1. Annabelle is the sweetest thing ever!  Glad to hear your sleep situation is improving~so is mine!  Funny we're both working on the same book =)  It's a gem!

  2. You've inspired me!  As I was reading this post, W and I were trying to play quietly as his daddy worked all night and was trying to get some sleep.  W is 9 months old, and we have no cool local coffeeshop, but we DO have an IHOP down the road.  Next time will give that a try!  :-)  

    Latest joy this week was watching W stand unassisted and take two jerky steps on his own.  His smile was even bigger than ours!  It was a moment when time seemed to stop.

    I enjoy seeing that beautiful smile of Annabelle's on your blog.  Have a great weekend!

  3. There is so much in this post that strikes a chord, not least the out of control reader bursting with neglected gems. I (and other parents) noticed early on that my now ten year old seemed so much more enthusiastic in her experience of life. This is still true of her, but is best described as emotional intensity, as it applies equally to sadness as to joy. I would never change her though. I think it is a great blessing for us all, even with its flip side.

  4. WanderwonderdiscoverOctober 3, 2011 at 9:40 PM

    Why am I not surprised that Annabelle has so much joie de vivre and personility?! You have given her so much space to grow without reserve that joy just springs, at least that is what I see :). I can tell you that I don't know many families that will just take their 2 year old to hang out with at the bistro!!! And I'm glad to hear she is sleeping better, and you too!! Such an important thing, my kids are completely different children when they don't get enough, I know I can be too (eek). 
    much love to you good friend!!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I love hearing from you, and appreciate the unique perspective that each reader brings. If you have a question, I'll gladly answer it here in the comments, or contact you if asked to.